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Super Simple Tips For Learn to Play the Piano

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-03-26   Click:

Want to learn to play the piano? Are you just starting out with the piano and looking for the best way to get started so you can learn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time? When it comes to learning how to play the piano, making the wrong decisions or using the wrong guides can ultimately lead to you never fine tuning your piano playing skills to allow you to continue on and become good at the piano. Learning the piano doesn't have to be difficult, but how long it takes you to master it depends greatly on your ability to master the basic skills of playing the piano. One area you should never neglect is your ability to read music.

Tip #1: One Hand At A Time

When learning to play a new piece, begin by playing with only one hand. Learn the hand movements and play the piece with each hand separately. If you are right-handed, this exercise will strengthen your left hand. Once you know how to play the piece with each hand separately, you may be surprised how easy it is to play it with both hands.

2. Learn to play the piece before using the foot pedals. Just like you learn piano pieces one hand at a time, you will want to learn to use your hands and feet separately. Once you've mastered using both hands on the piece, you can practice just using your feet while counting beats. Once you've memorized the foot portion of the musical piece, you can put the hands and feet together. Many people struggle with using the foot pedals for piano because they're not used to activities that coordinate their feet with their hands. If you plan on playing the organ some day it is vital that you learn to practice the feet and hands separately while you learn piano pieces.

3. Visualize yourself pressing the piano keys as you listen to music or as you recall playing the music in the past. Visualization has been shown to improve concentration and to work as a form of practice. Visualization is also a very important part of memorizing musical scores. You can't completely learn piano pieces by visualization, but you can definitely improve on the effectiveness of your practice sessions.

4. Have a balanced practice plan. You do not want to spend all of your time practicing warm ups and chord combination exercises. Likewise, you do not want to spend all of your time to learn piano by playing a single piece of music. You need to be disciplined enough to dedicate time to your warm ups and time to your pieces during each practice session. While repetition is important, rest and variety are also important to keep your mind fresh. Keeping a balanced routine now will increase your rate of learning new pieces after you've been playing for about two years.

5. Change your practice routine every three to six weeks. While it is important to have a consistently balanced practice routine, that doesn't mean you have to practice the same stuff in the same way forever. Change to a different warm up plan once in a while and you'll learn piano in a more holistic way mentally. Throw in different chord scales into your warm ups as you learn piano. Learn a different style or piece now and then. You may think if you like one style of piano piece better than others the best way to learn piano is to concentrate on that style. It is true that you should spend the most time on the style you like the best, but learning as many styles as possible will actually increase your versatility within the style you like best. You may even find yourself mixing in some things to create a whole new style of music that is your own as you learn piano.

It might sound odd, but many people who dream of playing the piano never fully master the art of reading musical notes. Why would they do this? One common reason is that they are just too eager to learn how to play the piano. Remember that you need to learn how to crawl before you can walk. While learning how to read music might seem boring and pointless to many people, the truth is that you NEED to know how to do like it is second nature. Make sure you aren't one of these aspiring pianists that can't read music. The first tip is to make sure that you ALWAYS keep your eyes on the notes. If you still need to look at keys while you play, then that is fine, but otherwise your eyes should be glued to the notes you are playing. This will help you to focus and improve the speed at which you can read music at.

Another tip for beginners is that you will need to learn how to read ahead. Much like when reading a book, we always look slightly ahead at what is coming so we know how to read the passage. The same is true for playing the piano. Knowing what notes are coming up in advance allows you to play much more smoothly and natural. This will take some practice, so start off slow and try to see how you go looking just a few notes ahead. You'll need to be able to remember the notes you are playing right now and also the upcoming notes. This is difficult at first but it can be mastered with practice and patience. The final tip to be able to play well is that you have a sound understanding of scales and chords. This is very useful when you know your scale and you only need to read the first and last note. You can easily play the scale from beginning to end without looking at the set of notes once you've mastered this skill.

Whether you already play piano or are about to learn, you want to play well. Maybe you want to impress your family. Or perhaps you want to be able to impress your friends. Maybe you simply want to play well for your own enjoyment. There are many things you can do to ensure that you don't fall into any bad habits while perfecting your playing. This article will offer some piano playing tips that will help you develop your skills.

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