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Kids to Children Piano Lessons

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-20   Click:

Send Your Kids to Children Piano Lessons and Give Them a Head Start to Their Blooming Childhood
A child’s brain is like a sponge. It absorbs anything and everything that surrounds it. In Japan, there are parents who send their 6-month old toddlers for Kumon (Japanese math curriculum) classes. We sing ABCs and nursery rhymes to babies who have not even spoken their first word.

A person’s brain expands at an incredible speed and size when he is a child. The more the brain is filled with thoughts and ideas, the stronger, more agile and more alert it will be when the child grows up.

In other words, children who are provided with mind-enriching activities such as ballet, painting and piano have an advantage over their peers because their brains are trained and exercised at a tender age.

While children piano lessons provided by music schools can be expensive, the online piano lessons are far more affordable or even free. Instead of spending hundreds on video games and consoles for your children to unwind, it will be more educational for them to take up a new skill or interest like playing the piano.

Since piano lessons are costly, you can sign up for online piano courses for your children instead. You can then gauge their degree of interest. Some children exhibit a greater passion for music while others may fidget and do not concentrate during lessons.

If your child hates the piano, you can easily stop subscription of the online courses. However, if your child shows great potential, is extremely attentive and loves thumping on the keyboard, you should definitely look into investing more money and time for your child to pursue more serious children piano lessons.

Living in a fast-paced environment gives little room for leisure. That little time that is available should not be wasted on non-educational video games or watching television that keeps your children’s brains at a passive and receptive mode. It is a waste to see children’s expanding brains devoid of useful ideas and skills, but instead load with violence and sexual impressions.

You can give your child a head start in life by supplying him with children piano lessons at an early age. His brain will absorb the new skill and knowledge at a greater speed and before long, playing the piano will be his second nature.
Apart from exposing your child to beautiful music composed over the centuries, children piano lessons have proven to strengthen your child’s brain. By playing the piano, your child will have better hand and eye coordination and will most likely score higher in school. This is because playing the piano requires one’s full attention.

Apart from coordination between the fingers and reading of notes, your child will also have to make fast interpretations and decisions of the score sheets in front of him. If your child loves playing the piano, the lessons will not be a bore but a fun, enriching and educational pastime he can indulge in for the rest of his life.

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