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Is it hard to learn how to play the piano?

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-05-03   Click:

I'm 13 with no piano experience but it seems like a really cool and fun instrument to play. I've always wished i could play. I don't do much except skiing in the winter and i am getting a job this summer but that's it.
Do you think it would be hard for me to start playing? Any other tips/advice?
Thanks =)

If your goal is to enjoy music, be fun at parties, maybe be a keyboard player in a band, then no it is not hard. If your goal is to play at Carnegie hall, then yes, it is hard.
I think piano is an awesome instrument to learn for enjoyment. It isn't so much "hard" as it is that you just have to set aside a half hour each day to practice. Do you know how to type on a QWERTY keyboard? How did you learn how? Probably by just doing it, then your fingers memorize the patterns. It isn't "instant" but after a while it becomes second nature.
Yeah, give it a try, don't give up, and remember it is for fun.

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